This article is a collection of funny love quotes for her from him whenever you want to make your woman feel happy and full of joy. Also, these funny love quotes for her from the heart can be used to comfort her whenever she’s down and lonely.
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So below are 50+ top-rated cute funny love quotes for her from the heart to melt her heart.
- You love flowers, but you cut them, you love animals, but you eat them. You tell me you love me, so now I’m scared!
- You’re like my asthma, you take my breath away.
- People say you can’t live without love, but I think oxygen is more important.
- I didn’t fall for you, you tripped me!
- Love is telling someone their hair extensions are showing.
- Marry a man your age; as your beauty fades, so will his eyesight.
- Before you marry a person, you should first make them use a computer with slow Internet service to see who they are.” — Will Ferrell
- Grow old with me. Let’s count each other’s wrinkles as the years pass by. Let’s see who losses all of the teeth and who will need the help of the walking stick first.
- Love is a lot like a backache. It doesn’t show up on X-rays, but you know it’s there.
- I thought I was promiscuous, but it turns out I was just thorough.
- If you can stay in love for more than two years, you’re on to something.
- According to Newton’s Law of Love, love can neither be created nor destroyed. However, it can create a girlfriend who can destroy wallets.
Read more: 150+ Inspirational Good Morning Quotes: Start Your Day with Positivity
If you are looking for cute funny love quotes for her then this section is for you. Make her think of you every second when she is not beside you. Even a magician can’t explain the influence power that these funny love quotes for her from the heart have on a woman.
- Love is like heaven, but it can hurt like hell.
- If a woman is upset, hold her and tell her how beautiful she is. If she starts to growl, retreat to a safe distance and throw chocolate at her.
- I Want To Be Your Favorite Hello And Hardest Goodbye.
- Love is blind, and the marriage opens your eyes.
- I love being married. It’s so great to find one special person you want to annoy for the rest of your life.
- Love is like a headache or a backache. It does not show in the MRI or X-ray, but you just know that it’s there.
- Cold normal shower means alone. I prefer hot showers for two, it saves water!
- Sometimes I look at my girlfriend and think… Damn, she is one lucky woman.
- Forever is a long time, make sure you spend it with someone who makes you laugh!
- Every girl deserves a guy that can make her smile even when she doesn’t want to.
- Real love amounts to withholding the truth, even when you’re offered the perfect opportunity to hurt someone’s feelings.
- I was married by a judge. I should have asked for a jury. – Groucho Marx
- To fall in love is to live in a world of both heaven and hell. There is no in-between.
- My head and my heart will never cease their endless war. When my head says ‘I don’t care, my heart says ‘I do care’. When my head says ‘I’m not thinking about her, my heart says ‘of course you do.
- Romance is the icing, but love is the cake.
- Staying in love for more than 5 years is almost impossible. Staying in love with the same person for the rest of your life is a miracle.
- You’re just like bacon, beer and chocolate – you make everything better.
- I wasn’t kissing her, I was whispering in her mouth. – Chico Marx
- Don’t make love by the garden gate, love is blind but the neighbours ain’t.
- Honesty is an important part of a relationship. If you can somehow pretend to be so, then you are in.
- I think you are suffering from a lack of vitamin ME.
- Will you lend me a kiss? I promise to give it back.
- I love you more than beer, and I love beer.
- Romantic love is a mental illness. But it’s a pleasurable one. – Fran Lebowitz
- I love you. You annoy me more than I ever thought possible. But I want to spend every irritating minute with you.
- Love is an ocean of emotions surrounded by expenses. – Thomas Dewar
- All you need is love. But a little chocolate now and then doesn’t hurt.
- I want to be the reason you look down at your phone and smile. Then walk into a pole.
- Let’s flip a coin. Heads, I’m yours. Tails, you’re mine.
- Stop waiting for your prince on a white horse. Go and find him. The poor man might be lost or stuck on an island or something.
14th February is a day that love takes over the entire universe and you won’t want to be left out of the picture. Use these funny valentines quotes for her and make her laugh and feel joyful like never before.
- Will you be my valentine? That was a rhetorical question, you have no choice… we are married.

- I love you because you are almost exactly like me and I’m the best.

- If my wealth grew as much as my love for you, today I’d be on the Forbes list of richest men in the world. happy valentine’s day!

- You cannot define love in one word and you cannot celebrate love in one day. That’s why I don’t have any plans with you on this Valentine’s Day!

- I turn out liking you a lot more than I originally planned.

- There is nobody else I’d rather lie in bed and look at my phone nest to. Happy valentine’s day!

- You are just as much weird as me. That makes us a perfect couple. Happy valentine’s day to my crazy one!

- Promise yourself not to be a woman who needs a man to live, but a woman a man needs.

- Everyone says you only fall in love once but that’s false because every time I set my eyes on you, I fall in love all over again.

- You are just as much weird as me. That makes us a perfect couple. Happy valentine’s day to my crazy one!

Before you go, please let us know in the comments which funny love quotes for her was your favourite. And please if you have any cute funny love quotes for her that you want us to feature on this post, comment below and also include “feature”.
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